800.843.3508 info@newlimeco.com

We Bring the Tropics to Your Table!

and proud to be a premier source of a large variety of Tropical Fruits and Vegetables.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit our web site and see what our company is all about!


Eat something today, your future self will thank you for!  Each item we have chosen to carry the “Powerful Harvest” label was handpicked because they are so powerfully healthy for you. All of our tropical fruits and vegetables are great additions to your diet and are healthy choices but our Powerful Harvest line has handpicked items that have so many amazing health benefits, we couldn’t fit all their great properties on one little sticker!  We wanted our consumers to see this logo at their local grocer and know they are non-gmo, heart healthy, full of antioxidants, great for your digestive system, hair, skin, and nails.  Whole health, from head to toe!  For more information on each item, click here.

New Limeco Food Safety

Food Safety

Our food safety program at New Limeco, LLC is important to us and very straight-forward; to grow and import only the very best of safe and healthy tropical fruits and vegetables in Florida and overseas. We do this by using state of the art sanitary practices, equipment, and production techniques while still retaining our hands on “mom and pop company” values.

Click here for more info.

Avocado, Hearts of Palm Salad


We invite you to slip into summer, no matter the time of year by adding a little tropical taste to your table. We have compiled some of our favorite recipes to share with you.

Click here to check them out.

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What's in Season

If you are interested in knowing what tropicals we currently have available for you or are curious to know when a certain item will be back in season, take a look at our seasonal tropical commodity guide.